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Monday, May 24, 2010

Our new kimonos


  1. I love all of these pictures from Japan. Are you still there?

  2. John,
    No. We are planning a trip to Hong Kong for July before coming home. I have a sore throat today. I went to the clinic on campus and the doc gave me a prescription-I take 3 pills, 4x a day, for 2 days!!!12 pills a day for 2 days!!!I have no idea what the pills are--maybe eye of the newt.

    I hope all is well with you John. It bet you are happy the semester is over. What are your plans for the summer?

  3. Wow, Hong Kong, too. Are you coming back around the end of July, then? Have you finished classes? It seems that you have, but you never know. John and I are having a low-key summer--our big trip will be a 10-day spin around New England, with emphasis on Maine. Other than that, I go to Cincinnati in a few days for a work gig, and Florida sometime in August. Not too exotic, but after car maintenance and some urgent dental work, there's not much money left.... I hope you and the family are doing well--I bet you'll all miss Taiwan after you leave! Can't wait to see you and hear first-hand how things went.

  4. John,
    Classes end around June 21. We are going to HK early July then return to US on July 17. Then I go to Cal for a bit in early Aug. Maybe we can get together mid-late July.
