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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Help with news story

I sometimes read articles in the "China Post," the local English language paper, and something must be lost in the translation because they make no sense. Here, for example, is an article about "human flesh searching" on the internet.


If someone can explain this article to me, I'd appreciate it.


  1. I'm not sure I understand it, either. Does it mean to say that government officials are legally permitted to look at illegal "explicit" material online for investigative "official" purposes?


  2. Hahahaha... sorry for the bad translation! "Human flesh searching" is actually from the PRC which has more than 350 million "netizens". Once someone posted a pic or some clues on the Internet which indicate things like pretty girls, someone with goodwill, or bad guys with wrong behaviors. All the netizens will try to search the person(s) out according to the limited clues. I guess it's like the one called "six degree separation." And it really works to find out the person(s) who may do something good or wrong.

    For example, a man who abuses his pet cat and almost killed it. He maybe uploaded a video of this process on line. Someone who cares about animal rights sees this clip. Then he/she may tell his network through an online forum. More people watch this clip may help find out who is the cat-abused guy according the background informaton or the IP address. Eventually, this guy may be reported to the police and even the media may come to report his wrong behaviors.

    Just about last 2 weeks, the legislative branch in Taiwan passed a bill, Personal Data Protection Act, which tries to make "human flesh searching" and other unauthorized posts of photo on facebook [or other social networks] illegal. However, it fails due to the violation of the freedom of speech.

    Does this explanation help?

  3. I'm glad you explained that--I never would've gotten there otherwise!
