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Monday, March 15, 2010

A trip to Betitou hot springs and a strenuous hike up Qixing Mountain

On Saturday we went to Beitou hot springs. It rained the whole day. We had an excellent vegetarian lunch. Checked into a hotel for two hours ($45US) and soaked in big tub supposedly supplied with hot springs water.

On Sunday I took the MRT to Beitou station then took a short bus ride to Yangmingshan National Park and hiked up Qixing Mountain. Yangmingshan is within the Taipei city limits. The "hike" amounted to climbing up steep stairs for about an hour and a half. The view from the peak was beautiful. A Taiwanese girl wanted to take her picture with me. Walking down I stopped at a free public hot springs. The warm water felt good. I still ache though from the climb.

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